Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda on How to Scale Your Business to 6 Figures

Learn three strategies to reach six figures from coach Ashley

If you’re expecting to read a guide on how to scale your business to six figures overnight from yet another basic business coach on the internet who is going to talk to you about posting on Instagram 6 times a day and writing template cold emails that start with “I hope you’re well” - I promise this won’t be it. 

My name is Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda - business and thought leadership strategist for underrepresented changemakers, speaker + best-selling author of the first Spanglish business book, Jefa in Training. Over the last four years I’ve helped my clients take their passion projects and turn them into full-time six figure businesses. They’ve gone on to break industry barriers like being the first Latina-owned candle brand at big retailers like Nordstrom, securing five figure  speaking engagements, and being sought out experts that have graced the TedX stages - building the careers of their dreams. 

Much like my own, their journeys have also had a lot of ups and downs - I’m not here to tell you that it’s been easy to get them there. But what I can tell you is that we have been able to build these businesses without paid advertising, outside investors and most importantly by creating genuine connections with their community, and finding the best way to use the resources they have at their disposal. 

Here are three things you can take away from their six figure strategies: 

Get really cozy with your customers.The best way to scale your business is by understanding not only who your customers are and their specific pain points but also why they buy. A lot of times we have to understand we’re catering to people’s wants, and not their needs. And sometimes it’s both. Market research can go a long way when done properly, here are a few questions you can include in your surveys you send out to your community: 

  • What are the biggest challenges or pain points you face in [industry/field] currently?
  • What solutions or products do you currently use to address these challenges?
  • What factors influence your decision-making process when purchasing [product/service] in our industry?
  • Can you describe an experience where a [product/service] exceeded or failed to meet your expectations?
  • What features or improvements would you like to see in [product/service] to better meet your needs?

It all starts with trust. 

Developing trust within your community is crucial for fostering customer loyalty, encouraging word-of-mouth referrals, and obtaining honest feedback for continuous improvement. Begin by being transparent and honest about your brand, consistently delivering quality, and engaging actively with your audience. Exceptional customer service, showcasing testimonials, and offering value beyond sales further build trust. Maintain a strong online presence by sharing valuable content, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By prioritizing trust, you create a foundation for lasting customer relationships and sustainable business growth.

Know how to pitch yourself. 

Pitching yourself effectively is essential for gaining opportunities and expanding your reach. Understand your unique value proposition and communicate it clearly. Tailor your pitches to the specific needs and interests of your audience or potential partners. Highlight your achievements and back them up with data or testimonials. Practice makes perfect, so refine your pitch through feedback and adapt it to different contexts. Whether you're aiming for media coverage, speaking engagements, or business partnerships, a compelling pitch can open doors and propel your business forward. Need a formula for your elevator pitch? Try this: Who You Are + What You Do (+ for who) + How You Do It Differently. 

Want to learn actionable steps about how you can apply these strategies for your specific business and learn a few more organic and authentic growth tactics? Join us on June 20th at 10AM for the Your Six Figure Strategy Workshop. Can’t wait to see everyone there! 

About The Author: 

Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda is a dynamic business and thought leadership strategist, speaker, and best-selling author of the pioneering Spanglish business book Jefa in Training. Over the past four years, she has helped her clients transform passion projects into full-time six-figure businesses without paid advertising or outside investors. Her clients have broken industry barriers, such as being the first Latina-owned candle brand at Nordstrom, securing five-figure speaking engagements, and becoming sought-after experts featured on TedX stages.

Ashley’s unique approach emphasizes genuine community connections and resourcefulness, tailored to the needs of multicultural, LGBTQ+, neurodivergent, and other underrepresented entrepreneurs. Recognized by Telemundo, mitú, Nasdaq, Forbes, People en Español, and Business Insider, Ashley continues to inspire and propel entrepreneurs to new heights. 

To learn more about her work, go to: . Interested in working 1:1 with Ashley? Click HERE to request One-on-One coaching through Xcelerate’s Business Advising Program.

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